Trang An Caves - Photo-Essay

by Elizabeth Briel, Feb 15, 2009 | Destinations: Vietnam
We enter the cave. Perceptions of space are turned upside-down. Our voices echo off rocks we can't see, light bounces    from unexpected places.

We enter the cave. Perceptions of space are turned upside-down. Our voices echo off rocks we can't see, light bounces from unexpected places.

We enter the cave. Perceptions of space are turned upside-down. Our voices echo off rocks we can't see, light bounces    from unexpected places.
There's nobody in these caves but us. The only sounds are our voices and the oars slapping the water.
Put your head down! my guide says. We crouch in our wooden boat to dodge stalactites.
Our guide hopped into a wooden boat and protected us from the sun with her parasol.

"You should go here!" says the hotel receptionist. Exploring the Trang An caves is like discovering an unexpected treasure.

More about why I went to these caves on my blog here.