Wah Heng

Heng Wah is a full time executive who travels widely around Asia and America for work purposes. It is during such trips that he learns more about the local culture. China in particular, is what he is most fascinated with. His reading collection consists mainly of historial and cultural accounts of China: from being the greatest empire in the world during the dynasties, through the cultural revolution, communism and eventual capitalist policies today.

Stories by this author

Title Destinations Date Published
Jan 24, 2004
Aug 2, 2003
Oct 31, 2002
Sep 5, 2002
Jan 3, 2003
Jul 27, 2004
Feb 7, 2004
Aug 3, 2003
Aug 20, 2002
Jun 26, 2004
Nov 3, 2002
Jan 23, 2004
Jan 23, 2004
Nov 23, 2002
Aug 10, 2003
Aug 3, 2003
Aug 22, 2002
Jun 21, 2002
Aug 23, 2003
Jun 17, 2002
Feb 19, 2003
Jan 24, 2003
Feb 20, 2003
Sep 13, 2002
Jan 23, 2004
